Alessandra Scognamiglio
Chair to Photovoltaics | Forms | Landscapes & General Chair to the 8th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion | Coordinator Task Force Sustainable Agrivoltaics @ENEA | Renewable Energy Technologies Department | ENEA | IT

Heinz Ossenbrink
Co-Chair to Photovoltaics | Forms | Landscapes & Chair to the International Advisory Committee to the World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion

Matteo Baroni
Artist, sculptor | IT

Derk Jan Bos
Agrivoltaics expert| NL

Agata Buscemi
B2B Arquitectura, group leader

Novella Cappelletti
Chair PAYSAGE | Chair International Journal TOPSCAPE | IT

Andrea Faini
General Manager Solarelit | IT

Francesco Frontini
Task Manager International Energy Agency PVPS Task 15 | CH

Giancarlo Ghidesi
COO & Co-founder | REMTec | IT

Giorgio Graditi
Head of Renewable Energy Technologies Department | ENEA | IT

Matteo Pedaso
LAND Italia Srl, Senior Director and Partner, Urban Planner

Vincent Kitio
Architect, Chief, Urban Energie Unit, UN-Habitat (United Nations Human Settlements Programme) | KE

Byron Kominek
Agrivoltaics Consultant | Natural Resources Management Expert | CO | US

Massimo Locci
Director | IN/ARCH, Istituto Nazionale di Architettura | IT

Irini Maltsoglou
Office of Climate Change, Biodiversity and Environment | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) | IT

Piero Manzoni
Chief Executive Officer | NeoruraleHub | IT

Alessandro Migliorini
Country Manager European Energy Italia | European Energy | DK

Raul Pantaleo
Co-founder and Senior Partner in TAMassociati | Adjunct professor University of Trieste | IT

Guido Santini
Plant Production and Protection Division | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) | IT

Fabiano Spano
StudioAlami, group leader

Pierre Knoche
Manging Director (Finance) | REMTec | IT

Christian Thiel
Head of Energy Efficiency and Renewables Unit | Joint Research Centre | European Commission | IT

Hermine Patricia Tomaïno Ndam
Mayor of the city of Foumban | CMR