Vincent Kitio
Architect, Chief, Urban Energie Unit, UN-Habitat (United Nations Human Settlements Programme) | KE
Vincent Kitio is architect graduated from the Institute of Architecture of Venice and holds a PhD in Appropriate Energy Technologies (energy efficiency and renewable energy) for Developing Countries, from the University of Rome la “Sapienza”. Italy.
He leads the Urban Energy Solutions of UN-HABITAT, a section that works on three focus areas: universal energy access for the urban poor; energy efficiency in the built environment (including adequate and affordable housing) and renewable energy systems (both generation and consumption) in urban areas.
Vincent Kitio develops and implements regional energy programs in Africa. Projects include: “Promoting Energy Efficiency in Buildings in East Africa” that aims at mainstreaming energy efficient measures in housing policies, building codes, building practices and building finance;
“Mainstreaming Energy and Resource Efficiency measures, and Renewable Energy technologies into Building Codes in West Africa (Senegal, Nigeria and Cameroon);
Development of an online academy of Urban Energy for African local government.
Development of Waste to Energy projects as a sustainable solution to municipal waste management.