Fabiano Spano
StudioAlami, group leader
Arch. Fabiano Spano.
M.Arch IUAV – Venice;
M.Arch – IAAC Barcelona – Advanced Architecture –Selfsufficient habitat
Fabiano is co-founder of StudioAlami.
His professional activity and research focus on new design and urban planning strategies based on an ecosystemic approach, on principles of environmental sustainability and energetic selfsufficiency.
Since 2009 he’s implementing the principles of sustainability and selfsufficiency in projects of restoration and reuse, residential, urban infrastructures, landscape.
His recent professional activity includes projects for private and public clients.
In the last years he took part to several international competitions, receiving an important amount of prizes.
He implements operative research in architecture through the organization of workshops where design and construction merge together in the making of prototypes of 1:1 scale structures.